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American Cloth (2)
Cendere Fabric (1)


Armchair Throw (1)
Bag (3)
Bag Lining (2)
Curtain (1)
Cushion (1)
Lampshade (1)
Lavender Sachets (3)
Napkin (1)
Pillow (1)
Pillow Lining (2)
Runner (1)
Serving Cloth (1)
Table Cloth (1)


Raw Color (3)


Plain Color (3)


Natural (3)


Lightly Draped (3)
Medium Softness (3)
Medium Thickness (3)
Rough (1)
Smooth (2)


100% Cotton (3)


Light Transparent (1)
Liquid Absorbent (1)
Washable (1)
Without Lycra (1)


Child And Baby (2)

Grown (3)

Natural Fabrics

 Natural fabrics have long been cherished for their unparalleled comfort, breathability, and eco-friendliness. Natural fabrics are derived from plant, animal, or mineral sources, making them biodegradable and environmentally friendly. They are prized for their softness, durability and ability to regulate body temperature. Common types of natural fabrics include cotton, linen, wool, silk, hemp and bamboo.

Benefits of Natural Fabrics

  • Breathability: Natural fabrics allow air to circulate freely, keeping the body cool and comfortable in warm weather.

  • Comfort: The softness and gentle feel of natural fabrics make them ideal for clothing, bedding, and other items that come into contact with the skin.

  • Durability: Natural fabrics tend to be strong and long-lasting, with proper care and maintenance.

  • Sustainability: Unlike synthetic fabrics, which are derived from petrochemicals, natural fabrics are renewable and biodegradable, making them a more environmentally friendly choice.

The Versatility of Natural Fabric

 Natural fabric, known for its eco-friendly properties and comfort, finds applications in numerous areas, offering both practicality and sustainability. In essence, natural fabric's versatility and eco-friendly characteristics make it a preferred choice across various industries and applications. Its widespread use not only ensures comfort and style but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. Whether in clothing, home decor, crafts or healthcare, natural fabric continues to play a significant role in our daily lives and endeavors.

  • Clothing

 Natural fabric is widely used in clothing manufacturing due to its breathability, softness, and hypoallergenic properties. From everyday essentials like t-shirts and jeans to formal attire such as suits and dresses, natural fabric garments provide comfort and style for all occasions.

  • Home Textiles

 In home decor, natural fabric plays a crucial role. It's often used for making curtains, upholstery, bedding and towels. These textiles not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of living spaces but also promote a healthier indoor environment by allowing air circulation and moisture absorption.

  • Crafts and DIY Projects

 Natural fabric serves as a preferred choice for various crafts and DIY projects. Whether it's sewing, quilting, or crafting accessories, its versatility allows for creative expression while being gentle on the environment. From tote bags to cushion covers, the possibilities are endless with natural fabric.

  • Eco-Friendly Initiatives

 The growing interest in sustainability has led to the popularity of natural fabric in eco-friendly initiatives. Many environmentally conscious brands and individuals prefer natural fabric for their products as it aligns with their values of reducing environmental impact and promoting ethical practices in the textile industry.

  • Medical and Healthcare

 Natural fabric also finds applications in the medical and healthcare sectors. It's used for making surgical gowns, bandages and bedding in hospitals and clinics due to its hypoallergenic and breathable nature, contributing to patient comfort and well-being.

Natural Fabric Prices

 Natural fabrics are known for their eco-friendliness and comfort. However, their prices tend to be slightly higher compared to synthetic alternatives. Here are the factors influencing natural fabric prices and tips for buying fabric online:

Raw Material Costs: The cost of materials used in the production of natural fabrics directly impacts the price. For example, special varieties such as organic cotton or wool may come at a premium due to higher production costs and certifications.

Production Methods: Certain production methods, such as hand weaving or artisanal techniques, can increase the price of natural fabrics. These methods often require more time and skill, resulting in higher labor costs.

Quality and Brand: The quality of the fabric and the reputation of the brand also play a significant role in determining the price. Established brands known for their high-quality natural fabrics may command higher prices due to consumer trust and demand.

Sustainability Practices: Natural fabrics produced using sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly dyeing methods or fair trade sourcing, may have higher prices reflecting the additional costs associated with ethical production.